Wednesday 10 May 2023

Difference between Use Case and Test Case

 Use Case

  •  Use case is a representation of actions which describes the behavior of system   to do a particular task.
  •  Use cases are prepared on requirements.
  •  The objective of Use case is to ascertain a certain output after the set of               operations.
  •  End result is important and all steps are to be executed together in a use case.
  •  Requirement documents are required.

Test Case

  •  Test case contains the test data, set of instructions to follow and a results of       following the instructions.
  •  Test cases are prepared on Use cases.
  •  The objective of test case is to ensure that system is working fine for each given         instruction and yields the required result.
  •  All steps are important and may have a separate result.
  •  Test Data, Test Scripts are required.

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